Any life choice can turn a person's
life around positively or negatively. The choices we make do not only affect
us, but they can also affect the people around us. Joy, Wes Moore's mother,
decided to stay with her first husband knowing that he was not making the right
choices. She later made the decision to leave him, which changed her and her
daughter Nikki’s lives in positive ways. She decides to remarry and have two
kids. When her husband got ill and passed, it forced Joy to make choices that
she did not have planned. Joy had the option of filing a suit against the
hospital or informs others about the condition that caused her husband's death.
Before deciding, she thought about how each option could affect her children.
Therefore; instead of going through a long battle against the hospital she
chose to inform others about her husband's illness to save her children from
the harmful effects a trial would have on her children. When Joy moved to New
York with her parents, it changed Wes Moore's life. His behavior in school was
affected in a negative way when he realized he did not fit in in the private
school he was attending. Wes Moore and
his friend came from similar backgrounds and were the only two kids in school
that did not fit in due to their race. His friend focuses on school and gets
high grades, while Wes Moore gets involved in fights and slacks in school. They
are both affected differently by the change of environment, which leads them to
make different choices.

Mary, the other Wes Moore's mother,
made choices that impacted her son's life. The other Wes Moore and his older
brother, Tony, grew up in Baltimore, Maryland and are influenced by others to
make the wrong choices. Tony starts doing drugs at a young age and ends up
selling drugs. Eventually, he makes enough money to afford expensive clothing
and accessories. Tony's life influenced the other Wes Moore's way of thinking,
and eventually the choices he would make. When the other Wes Moore starts to
play football in school, he starts to believe he is superior to everyone else
in school and does not need to do any work. When the other Wes Moore starts to
compare his life to his brother's, he begins to worry about making easy money
instead of staying in school. To not follow in his brother's footsteps, Wes
decides it is acceptable to wear stolen goods and get paid for it. Growing up,
Wes and the other Wes Moore make choices that steer them away from the right
path. They were both influenced by changes in their lives and the people around

In my life, I have witnessed plenty
of choices impacting the lives of others. My parents chose to immigrate to this
country when I was about two years old. This decision allowed my siblings to be
born in a better country, but it brought me obstacles that I had to overcome. I
was forced learn a new language and to adapt to a different living condition.
Today, I am still trying to overcome the obstacles of being undocumented. Since
my siblings were born here, they will not have trouble receiving financial aid
or health insurance. My parents decided to provide me with a better education
and more opportunities, but that decision it more beneficial to my siblings
than to me. I must still face the hardships to one day be able to receive the
same benefits as my siblings.