Oct 15, 2017

You Are What You Eat

Obesity in the United States should be a personal responsibility to those affected. Americans today are more worried about saving money instead of their health. Any fast food deal sounds more appealing than a deal on fruits and vegetables. People do not notice the damage fast food can have on your body in the long run. The healthier options are more expensive and do take time to make, but it's better to have to make time to cook a meal than to make time for the doctor. There are many options to live a healthy life, but it is up to each person to make an effort. Parents blame time and poverty for not being able to eat healthier, yet, the government offers Food Stamps, a program that gives needy families money for groceries. Also, there are plenty of articles and web pages dedicated to healthy meals that someone can cook in less than thirty or even ten minutes. Unhealthy food is hard to escape because they are also found in schools. Schools with lunch programs provide frozen and packaged meals, which is as bad as fast food. Even when kids complain about their school lunch, some parents do not make an effort to send their kids with home cooked meals. 
In the 101st NAACP Convention, Michelle Obama states that kids that are not fed well at home pass by the deli to buy junk food before and after school. Buying junk food is the only option they are given because their parents are not taking the time to send them any snacks. Many of the parents that do not take the time to cook probably do not take the time to sign their kids up for outdoor activities, which increases the chances of the child becoming obese. In the What You Eat is Your Business article, written by Radley Balko, it states "President Bush earmarked $200 million in his budget for anti-obesity measures." The government spends money on creating programs for kids to exercise and eat healthier but parents still don't take the initiative to take advantage of what the government has to offer. Parents choose to keep let their kids stay home, and they decide to feed them fast food without thinking of how it can affect them later on. Healthcare is another issue that contributes to the obesity problem. Not having to pay for your treatment or medication does not let people notice the difficulties that unhealthy food causes. 
In the article Don't Blame the Eater, by David Zinczenko, it states that a company's website provides false information on their chicken salad. The number of calories reported is for the dish itself and not any other sides added by the eater. The eater chooses to add the dressing, almonds, and noodles. They also decide the amount to add. Therefore, when the healthy salad becomes unhealthy, that is the eater's personal choice. The government is already putting an enormous amount of effort to end obesity, but at the end of the day, each person has the final word in how they want to live their life.  

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